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Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook

Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook

Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook is a book designed to be consulted not read. A regular book builds from topic to topic in a steady accumulation of ideas and facts. This book, in contrast, treats each topic as an independent unit. You do not need to understand the material in Chapter 2 to progress to Chapter 3. When you want information on, say, how to document a website, you simply go to the appropriate chapter or section of the book and copy the model given there. An exhaustive index and table of contents take a reader instantly to where the particular material on a particular subject is to be found. Whether the student chooses to hop from topic to topic, like a feeding butterfl y, or to burrow like a determined mole through every explanation depends on the individual. Writing the Research Paper: a Handbook can be used either way. In 1979 when the fi rst edition was published, we wrote that “no part of this book is dependent for continuity upon another,” adding, a few sentences later, that the aim was for students to use “as much of the book as they need, or as little.” That is still the basic principle behind this book.
